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Competitive Team Guidelines

-Our focus is on Player development, not wins, not whining, not anything else. At this level and Age the game is about learning and enjoyment. The environment will be that in the most competitive and educational environment possibly created.


-Players will be given opportunities to grow and move up age levels or teams as they improve. Coaches will make that decision and talk with the parents about the moves when the time presents itself.


-In the event of there being more than ten team members, players that join after the team is full at 10 players there will be additional players until there are enough players to create a new team at 14+. There is a possibility that we could split up players as teams grow and/or injuries and illness occur. This doesn't happen often but we want everyone to be open to it. It doesn't change practices, or price or amount of playing, all of that would stay the same.


-During TOURNAMENT WEEKENDS we will have parents and families working the scores tables in shifts to help pay our entry fees and which helps reduce our costs.

we will mostly only work our games that our teams are playing in. Some tournaments offer it as a fundraiser. We will hold training practice for all parents and family members to learn.


-We are making an environment were players see and have an overall good feeling that they are learning, improving and competing.


-During Practices is where we will push the kids the hardest and be the most demanding of them. During games that is their time to shine and your time to cheer them on POSITIVELY.


-Players and parents will see and feel the success with or without the scoreboard saying so.


-Parents will not be allowed to interrupt or interfere with players during practice(example: a player not wanting to run hard or work hard, crying, faking an injury). If it is something that we need your help on we will call on you to help us. If they are sick then we would want you to keep them home as to not spread it to the rest of the team. Just a phone call, text or email before hand (when you call the school to call them in sick) would be expected to let us know they are missing. We have many players that bust their butts everyday and they should be able to expect the same from all of their teammates.


-Players will be expected to be to practice 10-15 minutes early to start preparing for practice. If they are late there are consequences for them being late that will be addressed on an as needed basis if it an habitual event happening.


-Playing time is solely based on their effort, hard work and attendance.


-Attendance will be kept everyday.


-Players are expected to be to games 30 minutes early dressed and ready. If they need time to change or put on shoes then they are expected to be even earlier to each game to do so. Coaches start warming up the players and stretching and going over the game plan 30 minutes prior to tip-off. Playing time can be affected if a player routinely shows up after the 30 minute window.


-Playing time will be affected by players be disrespectful or unclassy to anyone at anytime.


-Players will be expected to come to practice and enter the gym with a positive attitude. They will be expected to shake their teammates and coaches hands and say hello.


-If a player fouls out they will be expected to shake the referees hands, all players currently on the court for both teams, the opposing teams coaches and bench players, then come to their bench and shake their teammates and coaches hands.


-Players will be expected to participate in community service events.


-Parents will not be allowed to talk to a coach about concerns with game-day until Monday morning. Its our 24 hour rule. It distracts the days work, distracts the coach and causes a negative atmosphere if the concerns are addressed that day. Waiting the 24 hours allows the emotions to go away. If a coach approaches you about a concern and you wish to discuss it with them that is always OK, but we will expect parents and family members to follow the 24 hour rule.


-Parents will be held accountable for their contracts for the players. Payments that are made 7 days late will be assessed a late fee.


-There are no refunds. 


-Players will be expected to work outside of practice when not in a skills clinic, individual training or their own practice.


-Players will have a mandatory grade checks. They will pick up a form at practice and it will be due back at the following week. If it is incomplete or not turned in they will be deemed ineligible until a new grades check is competed. These will be working along with their report cards that they must turn in. Players must have only A's, B's, C's to be eligible. Or what their school scores to be equivalent.


-Players will be expected to lead together. They will play as a team, practice as a team, and make a team that the team created. The player cannot make a team, the coach can not make a team, the team makes the team. They will learn to encourage each-other, support each-other, and hold each-other accountable on and off the court. Team builds team.


-Teammates are available to help set up car pools and tutoring.

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Colorado Legends

Local teams, no travel

3rd-12th Grade

Boys & Girls

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Colorado Elite

Travel teams

14U -17U

Boys & Girls

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Upcoming Tryouts

We have limited spots on our FALL 24 - WINTER 25


Contact us to come in

and tryout!



​Tryouts are one hour session with a 15-20 min parent Q&A session during or immediately following the tryouts. Please show up 15 min early to



Upcoming Season

Winter 2025

Tryouts Coming

November 6th, 2024


3rd-6th Grade 6-7pm

7-8th Grade 730-830pm



Please contact us for

Questions & Availability


Text or Call (720.988.8936)

U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17


***Join one of Colorado's Longest Standing Clubs***


To tryout, Fill out the player tryout form 

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Year Round Tryouts

You can join in any practice for a tryout, make sure to contact us so that we can contact the proper team coach and allow them time to prepare for the new incoming player. 


We are looking for players year round. 


We will have multiple large group tryouts throughout the year.


If you are interested in joining a team or a tryout please Contact Us Here!


Contract us at or 720.988.8936


Always check back to find out when we will be holding additional tryouts. 


You can also come tryout at any of our practices.


Please contact us prior to coming so we can properly prepare for the player and parents. 

"Nothing in Life Worth Having, Comes Easy!"

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  • “The Legends are the best team

        in town!”– Miranda H.

  • “We found a home with the Legends" - Steve B.

  • “My kids gained confidence, passion and are  so much better now thanks to the Legends”– Samantha j.

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